This summer has been odd, largely missing in action. Everyone knows that the weather patterns have been deranged by a CIA plot. They are testing a death ray in the skies over southeast Oz.

What we are getting of summer is now, finally, here at Easter time. So summer produce has been little and late.
I returned from Canberra last weekend with wonderful backyard produce from friends – eggs and tomatoes from Helen and Sean, and heady fresh basil; from Ali. Thank you all!
So, tonight, I made one of my favourite summer dishes – spaghetti al estate. Summer spaghetti. It’s so simple, capturing the natural flavour combination of really ripe tomatoes and basil. Peel and chop a few tomatoes, add some garlic, olives, capers, and basil, and let it sit and think for a few hours.
Serve over hot spaghetti. No need to cook! Light, delicious, and a touch of summer in a bowl.